About Circus Arts

Circus Arts was born from a love of sharing the transformative art form of circus with others. Our founder Belinda Hultgren, experienced first hand the positive effects circus had on her own life at the age of 18.

“I always enjoyed physical activity, but I never thought I would ever perform in front of people. However, the moment I tried flying trapeze, I fell in love with it and couldn’t wait to share it with other people. Circus boosted my confidence and showed me just how much I could achieve”.

After years of performing all over the world, it was sharing and inspiring others that brought Belinda back to Australia to start Circus Arts.

Belinda opened Sydney’s first flying trapeze rig in 1999. It was widely popular amongst those wishing to push personal boundaries and experience the thrill of flying, consequently leading to the opening of the Byron Bay location in 2006. Striving to provide a more extensive circus experience, Belinda opened Australia’s first indoor flying trapeze rig and circus venue offering classes for all ages and abilities.

Inspire people to love circus

Circus Arts’ mission is simple. It is to inspire people to love circus as much as we do! We have seen and experienced first hand the powerful effects of circus and we want you to experience it too.

Have the power to transform

We do this by giving YOU the opportunity to learn new, unique, fun, physical and creative skills, which have the power to transform you physically, mentally and creatively.

Perfect physical activity

Circus’s unique blend of art and sport, played out in a supportive, non-competitive environment makes it the perfect physical activity for people of all levels of confidence and abilities.

Happy and healthy

Circus Arts exists to make you happy and healthy by providing easy access to this exciting art form that can truly change your life!



To be fun loving;  to smile, joke and laugh; to seek and engage in fun filled activities.

Personal Growth

To acquire new or enhance existing skills, knowledge or behaviour. To gain in self-confidence; to self-improve; to learn; to perform.


To freely express through art, style, fashion, behaviour and performance. To be innovative, unique and open minded.


To be accepting of ourselves and others. To welcome all peoples of all abilities as equals.


To treat myself and others with care and consideration.


Our vision is to be the provider of circus activities that promote enjoyment, creativity and personal development for families and those of all ages, abilities and cultures.  We want our customers to have a great experience with us. As such, our dream is to increase access to the world of circus for everyone, inspiring change and growth in individuals and within communities.

Public Commitment to Child Safety

At Circus Arts, the wellbeing of all children in our care is paramount and therefore all trainers are made aware of their responsibilities towards the safety of children and we help ensure this by screening all staff with Working With Children Checks and regularly updating their knowledge on policies and procedures.

Circus Arts acknowledges that all children in its programs have the right to feel safe at all times. Circus Arts is committed to creating an environment of trust where children can feel safe to talk about anything openly. Circus Arts employees / volunteers will do everything they can to protect the rights, interests and wellbeing of the children and young people in their care.

All Abilities

Circus celebrates individual differences and Circus Arts is proud to offer classes and activities for participants of all abilities. Partaking in Circus Arts activities allows participants to enjoy a new level of independence and community engagement whilst also challenging their own personal boundaries and perceived limitations.

The staff at Circus Arts are trained in teaching participants of varying ability levels and all of our venues have wheelchair access. The Byron Bay location also has auto-belays on the climbing wall so carers can assist participants while climbing or allow them to climb independently without a carer actively required.

Please let our staff know if you or your group require any special attention from our already very attentive staff!


Friends of the circus (FOTC)

Friends of the Circus is a Not For Profit organisation based in Byron Bay that works in collaboration with Circus Arts. As such, they work to provide training, production and performance opportunities for youth in the Northern Rivers.

Circus Arts assists FOTC by providing performance opportunities at the Term Showcases, community events and festivals.  Circus Arts also help FOTC fundraise via raffles and other events throughout the year.  Money raised goes towards purchasing new equipment to advance the training of our circus students and production crew.

The FOTC Committee is comprised of parents, friends and students of Circus Arts and they are always open to more helping hands!  If you would like to be involved in Friends of the Circus, please contact.

FOTC have performed at Bluesfest, Woodford Folk Festival, Splendour in the Grass, Bangalow Billycart Derby, Kites & Bikes, Sample Food Festival, Mullum Music Festival and much more!