specialised courses

Our specialised courses are designed to up-skill you quickly!

Flying Trapeze Coaching Course
(Stage 1 & 2)

If you would like to become a flying trapeze coach, this course is for you. Ongoing trainee and coaching positions available in our Byron Bay location.

Aerial intensive Byron Bay

Flying trapeze Coaching Course – STAGE 1

This course is aimed at people who are interested in flying trapeze and looking at taking their first step toward working as a trapeze coach. Participants will be introduced to the different aspects of flying trapeze coaching, including board, ground, basic safety lines, and catching.



Ground Work – warm up, group management, basic practice bar and spotting, basic equipment checks.

Board Work – single swings, regular class board work including catch rounds.
Basic Safety Line Operation – single swings, basic positions to net.
Basics of Catching – understanding basic theory of catching, catch locks achieved.

Flying trapeze Coaching Course – STAGE 2

The goal of Stage 2 training is to have participants be signed off as a flying trapeze coach. Participants will be given information on steps to take for employment. Limited places will be made available for selected participants for ongoing trainee/coaching positions in Byron Bay and Sydney.



Ground skills/Practice bar – class timings and schedule revisions, class management (no of participants, rain, etc), progressions, back end tricks, 1 hand take off, reverse tricks, basic swing, returns.

Board – 1 hand take off, reverse lines, return bars.

Lines – back end tricks, reverse tricks, catch lines, returns.

Catch – timings, heights, returns.

All training is conducted by our National Coach Scot (Ted) Tornaros at our indoor facility in Byron Bay, but will be tailored to suit both indoor and outdoor flying trapeze coaching.


STAGE 1: November 16-17
STAGE 2: November 23-24


Circus Arts Byron Bay, 17 Centennial Cct, Byron Bay NSW 2481


Scot (Ted) Tornaros


STAGE 1: $750 (20% off for regular students – $600)
STAGE 2: $600 (20% off for regular students – $480)


STAGE 1 Requirements

  • Must have attended flying trapeze classes in the past
  • Must be able to hang on a bar by the knees unassisted
  • Experience in a physical discipline such as aerial arts, gymnastics, dance, martial arts, etc would be an advantage
  • Must be free from pre-existing injury that may be exacerbated by the physical nature of flying trapeze
  • Fun and encouraging personality and a flair for teaching others

Stage 2 Requirements

The course is suitable for students that have graduated from Stage 1 of the Flying Trapeze Coaching Course.